Let’s Have A Conversation
It’s hard when you know you have a difficult conversation coming up.
You make any excuse to put it off… maybe you’re too busy, maybe you’re second guessing what the other person might be thinking?
All this and often because you’re not a fan of confrontation either.

Not having these conversations can look a lot like:
You’re making excuses, too busy, juggling all the things in everyday life
You just don’t know where to start
You really don’t like confrontation
You’ve no confidence or self-belief it will go well
It’s not your problem really - it’s theirs
You’re not good at being authoritative
Because you’re afraid of what might happen.
And guess what?
All these challenges are keeping you stuck and not allowing you to move forward.
You know really you simply need some guidance, for how to do the right thing.
Knowing you’ll go into the conversation with confidence.
You just need someone to guide you (or your team) in the right direction
If you’re ready to take the next step,
Let me be your guide.