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The Power of Communication in Mental Illness.
1 in 4 - that's how many people will at some stage in their life have a mental health illness. More recent reports claims it's actually 1...
Communication lessons from teenagers
I have been helping out at the local cubs and scouts recently and have again had to stop and think about how I judge people based on my...
The Power of Positive Self Talk
Tomorrow is Monday, I wouldn't go as far as to say I have the Monday blues but I am wondering where my weekend went. My work is amazing...
You've Got To Be Conscious to Get It Right
I was watching a programme on TV the other day. I had a few minutes to spare in the evening and collapsed in front of one of those "fly...
Emotions in communication
I was on the school drop off this morning when I noticed two boys, aged about 10/11 having a discussion around a book. I will make up...
We all have a story
Today I was at a seminar - it was a retirement, change of career seminar covering topics such as managing your emotions and using the...
The Grief Cycle in Communication
I am going to use the below grief cycle as an example of how emotions can play such a powerful part in communication. A friend of mine...
Improving personal relationships through communciation
I was having my hair cut this morning and chatting to the hairdresser about communication and how, when emotions are involved, the...
The Power of Negative Self Talk.
I was watching a programme last night focusing on people who had lost lots of weight and featured in magazines some years ago. The...
Leading Change Through Communication
Recently I have read lots of tweets and articles on large organisations across the world, experiencing change. There are many great...
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